Celebrate with Breastfeed Durham </br> November 30th 2021
Celebrate with Breastfeed Durham
November 30th 2021
Breastfeed Durham is dedicated to improving the health and well-being of infants and families through education, outreach, and advocacy to promote and support breastfeeding. Your donation is urgently needed to strengthen and grow the work of Breastfeed Durham. If you like the work we are doing, please consider giving today. Your generous gift will help offset our costs and will support our mission.

We don’t generate revenue by selling off our users' data to the highest bidder or run ads that could jeopardize the integrity of our content. Though we are required to maintain server space and programming power, we are sustained by the support of our donors like you. We are asking you respectfully: Please, consider a $10 donation; it matters. We have the deepest gratitude to those of you who have sustained our work. Thank you!  

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