Updated NC InCK Food Resource Guide & Important Breast Pump Coverage Updates

We’re excited to share that the revised NC InCK Food Resource Guide is now live and available for our community! This valuable resource, updated in November 2024, includes food access information and breastfeeding support resources, including an overview of breast pump coverage for Medicaid Standard Plans (found on page 13). This guide was made possible through the dedicated work of Kate Hanson and Tara Bartasavich of WellCare.

🔗 Access the Food Resource Guide Here

We encourage you to share this guide with coalition partners and use it to help families navigate essential food and breastfeeding resources. If you have any feedback or questions, please reach out to Tara Bartasavich or Eleanor Wertman (contact information is in the guide).

Big Updates on Medicaid Breast Pump Coverage

We also have an important update from Chiara Phillips, the State Breastfeeding Coordinator for the Division of Child and Family Well-Being:

✅ All Medicaid Standard Plans in North Carolina are now required to cover breast pumps for all eligible members. Previously, some plans treated them as “value-added benefits” (optional perks), but now all plans must provide coverage as a standard benefit.

⚠️ Carolina Complete Health (CCH) is currently the only Standard Plan that has not yet updated its policies to align with this requirement. While their team is working on identifying a breast pump vendor, there may be a delay in implementation.

Medicaid Breast Pump Coverage

Health PlanMemberServices# Additional information 
AmeriHealth Caritas ​​1-855-375-8811 (available 24/7)  Breast pumps and supplies (including milk storage bags): Available through Aeroflow to members from 26 weeks of gestation through 12 months postpartum. Members must provide due date, contact information, insurance information, and provider name and contact information. Visit Aeroflow or call 1-844-867-9890 (Mon-Fri, 8:00 am-5:30 pm)    Bright Start program for pregnant members: Includes cash incentives for participation in program and completion of prenatal visits. To enroll, call 1-833-475-2262, Mon-Fri, 8:00 am-5:00 pm  
Carolina Complete Health 1-833-552-3876 (Mon-Sat, 7:00 am-6:00 pm)   Start Smart for Your Baby: Program for all pregnant and new (i.e. <12 mos postpartum) moms. To enroll, call Member Services or log into the member portal to submit a Notification of Pregnancy here. Enrolled members get an infant car seat, diaper bag, or breast pump and diapers. To receive one of these items after enrolling in the program, complete the formhere.  
Healthy Blue  1-844-594-5070 (Mon-Sat, 7:00 am-6:00 pm) Breast pumps: Available through Edgepark or Home Care Delivered to members within ~30 days of their due date. Members must provide due date, contact information, insurance information, and provider name and contact information.  ·         Visit Edgepark or call 1-855-504-2099 (Mon-Fri, 8:00 am-9:00 pm; Sat, 9:00 am-3:00 pm) ·         Contact Home Care Delivered, 1-866-938-3906 (Mon-Fri, 8:00 am-6:00 pm) or have provider complete referral form here (choose “Other” under supplies and enter “Breast Pump”) ·         Visit MedLine@Home or call 1-833-718-2229 (Mon-Fri, 8:00 am-5:00 pm)  Healthy Rewards Program: Provides financial incentives for attending prenatal, postpartum, and well-baby visits. To enroll, log into the Benefit Reward Hub and visit the Healthy Rewards portal or call 1-888-990-8681 (Mon-Fri, 9:00 am-8:00 pm)  
UnitedHealthcare   1-800-349-1855 (Mon-Sat, 7:00 am-6:00 pm)   Breast pumps: Available through Aeroflow to members from 36 weeks gestation to 12 mos postpartum. Note member will be asked to attest they did not receive an electric or hospital grade pump from WIC. Visit Aeroflowor call 1-844-867-9890 (Mon-Fri, 8:00 am-5:30 pm)  Members can also receive up to six virtual breastfeeding visits. For info or to enroll, call or text UHCNC4MILK 1-888-458-1364 (24/7) or visit Simplifed  
WellCare 1-866-799-5318 (Mon-Sat, 7:00 am-6:00 pm)  Breast pumps: Available through Aeroflow to members from 34 weeks gestation to 30 days postpartum (if delivered a healthy baby) or 90 days postpartum (if baby required a NICU stay). Visit Aeroflow or call 1-844-867-9890 (Mon-Fri, 8:00 am-5:30 pm)  For breastfeeding support, contact the 24/7 nurse advice line at 1-800-919-8807. For support with pumping, milk storage, obtaining formula, and/or finding a community-based lactation support program, contact Care Coordination at 1-833-298-4301 and press 2 to speak to the maternity team.     Members can also receive free baby supplies. For info, contact Member Services.  
Access to breast pumps and other maternity supports through NC Medicaid Managed Care Health Plans 

What This Means for Families & Providers

  • Families enrolled in most Medicaid Standard Plans should now be able to request a breast pump through their provider without concerns about eligibility.
  • Until the state formally updates its 2022 breast pump coverage guide, the breast pump coverage table in the NC InCK Food Guide will be the most up-to-date resource to help families navigate their options.
  • If you or your organization encounter challenges with breast pump access, we encourage you to reach out for support.

Help Us Spread the Word!

We ask our Breastfeed Durham community to share this critical information with families, health professionals, and coalition partners. Ensuring that every Medicaid-covered family has access to essential breastfeeding supplies is a key step toward health equity and maternal well-being.

If you have questions or feedback, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Let’s continue working together to make Durham a more breastfeeding-friendly community!

💜 Thank you for your support!

#BreastfeedingSupport #MaternalHealth #MedicaidCoverage #FoodAccess