Call to Action —Join Us in Strengthening Breastfeed Durham!

As National Breastfeeding Month comes to a close, it’s a perfect time for us at Breastfeed Durham to reflect on our progress and recommit to our mission of achieving the 10 Steps to a Breastfeeding Family Friendly Community. This journey isn’t just about ticking off boxes; it’s about creating a community where every family feels supported in their lactation journey, from the hospital to the workplace, and everywhere in between.

So, where do we stand? What have we accomplished, and what challenges lie ahead? Here’s an overview of our progress and the action items that still need our attention. Whether you’re an employee, a dedicated volunteer, or a passionate community advocate, there’s a role for you in helping us reach our goals. Let’s dive into the steps we’ve taken, the gaps we’ve identified, and how we can all contribute to making Durham a truly breastfeeding-friendly community. 🌟👶🏾👩🏽‍🍼👨🏿‍🍼💪

We won’t be able to accomplish all of this alone—or even in a single year. That’s why we’re reaching out to you, our community of volunteers and advocates, to share our action plan for 2024. We need your help to keep the momentum going and make Durham a truly breastfeeding-friendly community.

Below, you’ll find our action items for the coming year, outlining the steps we need to take to continue our work. If any of these areas resonate with you, we encourage you to get involved. Together, we can achieve so much more. 🌍✨

📝 Step 1: Finalizing the Human Milk Feeding Strategic Plan

We’re almost there! Our Human Milk Feeding Strategic Plan is in the final stages. The next step is to ensure that the Health Department Director signs off on it, followed by distributing it widely across all platforms. We’ll also engage local media to help spread the word, ensuring our community knows about the plan and its benefits. 📄✨

👶🏾 Step 2: Recruiting More Breastfeeding-Friendly Family Venues

We’ve made significant progress, but there’s more to do, particularly with family-friendly venues like the Museum of Life and Science, Angel Island Fun Park, and Notasium. These places are key to creating a truly welcoming environment for families. We’ll work on getting “Breastfeeding Welcome Here” handouts in the visitor center and other prominent spots. If you know a family-friendly venue, let’s connect! 🏛️🎨

Wish List

  • Museum of Life and Science – A must-visit with interactive science exhibits, a butterfly house, and outdoor play spaces.
  • Sarah P. Duke Gardens – Beautiful gardens where kids can explore nature, enjoy a picnic, or feed ducks in the ponds.
  • Durham Central Park – A great spot for family outings, featuring a playground and open space for kids to run around.
  • Notasium – A music-based play space with instruments kids can interact with, plus a toddler-friendly play area.
  • Angel Island Fun Park – An indoor play space with go-karts, bumper cars, and a massive play structure, perfect for burning off energy.
  • West Point on the Eno – A park with hiking trails, a river for splashing, and a reconstructed historic mill, ideal for a day in nature.
  • Duke Lemur Center – A unique place where kids can learn about and see lemurs up close.
  • The Streets at Southpoint – Beyond shopping, this mall has a kid-friendly play area, making it a good stop for families.
  • Piedmont Wildlife Center – A small nature center where kids can see and learn about native wildlife.
  • Defy Durham – A trampoline park where kids can bounce, jump, and have fun in a safe, indoor environment.

🏥 Step 5: Enhancing Healthcare Support for Lactation

This is a critical area where we need to make more headway. We’re far from getting Duke University Hospital designated as a Baby-Friendly Hospital, and our clinics also need more attention. We’re forming a task force to tackle these challenges head-on, focusing on educating healthcare providers and encouraging them to support lactation more actively. Let’s make our healthcare system as supportive as it can be! 🏨

👩🏽‍🍼Step 6: Maintaining Non-Health System Lactation Support

With the launch of two new support groups for Black and Spanish-speaking families, we’ve made great strides in ensuring that non-health system lactation support is fully available in the community. Our annual Gaps and Care meeting will ensure we continue addressing any emerging needs. We’re proud of this progress and will keep up the good work! 🌍🤝

🛍️ Step 7: Increasing the Number of Breastfeeding-Friendly Businesses

We’ve already got 199 businesses on board, but we need to keep this momentum going. Our goal is to reach at least 700 businesses, ensuring there are welcoming spots for breastfeeding and chest feeding across Durham. Each business that joins is a victory for families—let’s celebrate every win and aim for even more! 🎉🏪

🛒 Step 8: Collaborating with Grocery Stores

We’re working with grocery stores to limit formula advertising and instead promote lactation support. This effort aligns with the International Code of Marketing of Breast-Milk Substitutes. We’ll be visiting stores regularly to ensure compliance and to offer support materials for parents. Together, we can create a more breastfeeding-friendly shopping experience! 🛒🍎

🎓 Step 10: Expanding Breastfeeding-Friendly Curricula in Schools

Our work with schools is ongoing, and while Duke University is leading the way, we still need to finalize efforts in preschools, elementary schools, middle schools, and high schools. We’re developing resources and curricula that educators can easily integrate into their lessons, helping to normalize breastfeeding for the next generation. 📚🏫

Breastfeed Durham’s mission to make our community more supportive of human milk feeding is a collective effort. Whether it’s engaging healthcare providers, recruiting businesses, or developing educational resources, every step we take brings us closer to our goal. Let’s keep working together to make Durham a place where every family feels supported and every child has the best start in life. 🌟💖