Celebrating Our Extraordinary Executive Director: Bernadette Greene Receives the 2024 Grandparent Community Service Award

We are thrilled to announce that our very own Executive Director, Bernadette Greene, has been honored with the prestigious Grandparent Community Service Award for 2024! This award, presented by BAGS (Being A Grandparent Support), recognizes grandparents who have made remarkable contributions to their communities, and Bernadette is more than deserving of this accolade.

Bernadette has been a tireless advocate for grandparents and kinship caregivers, dedicating her time, energy, and heart to support those who step up to care for their grandchildren. Her work with Breastfeed Durham, along with her personal experience as a kinship caregiver, has made a significant impact in our community. Bernadette’s efforts to educate, engage, and empower grandparents have not only provided much-needed resources and support but have also fostered a sense of community and solidarity among caregivers.

Nominated by Ms. Joy Spencer of Equity Before Birth, Bernadette’s selection for this award is a testament to her unwavering commitment to her community. She has been a change agent, creating and supporting initiatives that improve the quality of life for many, and we are incredibly proud of her accomplishments.

The award will be presented at the BAGS Black Tie Fundraising Gala and Grandparent Community Services Awards, taking place at The Life Enrichment Center in Raleigh, NC, on Saturday, September 28th. We encourage everyone to join us in celebrating Bernadette’s phenomenal achievement. Tickets for the event are $80, with table sponsorships available.

We extend our heartfelt congratulations to Bernadette Greene for this well-deserved recognition. Her dedication, leadership, and compassion continue to inspire us all.

Let’s celebrate our extraordinary leader, Bernadette, and the impact she’s made in the lives of so many. We look forward to honoring her at the gala and continuing our shared mission of supporting grandparents and caregivers in our community.