Bridging Gaps from Birth to Breast: Special Edition

We are ecstatic to share the highlights of the dynamic session, “Bridging Gaps from Birth to Breast: Special Edition,” held on August 6, 2024. This powerful event brought together healthcare providers and community advocates, all passionate about enhancing lactation support across diverse populations. It was a day filled with inspiration, innovative ideas, and a unified call to action to transform the landscape of breastfeeding support.

This session delved deep into the challenges and successes of providing equitable lactation support, especially in underserved communities. Through engaging panel discussions and interactive dialogues, experts and participants explored innovative approaches and practical solutions to bridge gaps in care from birth to breastfeeding.

Learning Objectives: By the end of the session, participants were able to :

  1. Identify Key Barriers: Understand and recognize the common barriers to effective lactation support in various socio-economic and cultural contexts.
  2. Collaborative Strategies: Learn about successful collaborative care models that involve various care providers to support lactating parents effectively.
  3. Actionable Solutions: Gain practical strategies and tools to implement inclusive and supportive lactation practices.
  4. Advocate for Change: Advocate for systemic changes in healthcare policies to improve lactation support services.
  5. Engage Communities: Mobilize community resources and networks to create a supportive environment for all lactating families.

Session Highlights:

Introduction (Facilitated by Annie Dotson):

  • The session kicked off with an energetic welcome and opening remarks, setting the stage for an inspiring day. Panelists introduced themselves, sharing their roles and passions in the community.

Identifying Barriers (Facilitated by Annie Dotson):

  • Niki Young, Bernadette Greene, and Amber Crews provided eye-opening insights into the most significant barriers to breastfeeding support. Their experiences underscored the urgent need for change and sparked a lively discussion among attendees.

Collaborative Strategies (Facilitated by Annie Dotson):

  • Bernadette Greene, Niki Young, and Alisha Bailey highlighted successful examples of interdisciplinary collaboration that have significantly improved breastfeeding support.
  • Stephanie Amekuedi and Kim Nguyen shared how healthcare professionals can better coordinate to support diverse lactating families, followed by an interactive Q&A session that engaged the audience in a meaningful dialogue.

Actionable Solutions (Facilitated by Anne Fields):

  • Niki Young and Kim Nguyen discussed specific tools and resources effective in addressing cultural and linguistic barriers in lactation support.
  • Love Anderson captivated the audience with innovative practices and programs that have dramatically improved breastfeeding initiation and duration rates among marginalized populations.

Advocacy for Change (Facilitated by Anne Fields):

  • Stephanie Amekuedi and Alisha Bailey passionately advocated for policy changes to better support lactation in historically marginalized communities.
  • They also discussed leveraging healthcare providers’ influence to improve public health policies related to lactation, urging attendees to take immediate action.

Engaging Communities (Facilitated by Anne Fields):

  • Bernadette Greene shared inspiring examples of community engagement that have been pivotal in supporting breastfeeding families.
  • Amber Crews and Love Anderson explored the critical role of community support networks in bridging gaps in breastfeeding support. They provided practical tips on strengthening and expanding these networks to ensure no family is left behind.

Q&A Session (Facilitated by Anne Fields):

  • The session concluded with a vibrant Q&A, where participants engaged directly with the panelists, gaining deeper insights and practical advice.


  • Annie Dotson
  • Anne Fields


  • Alisha Bailey
  • Sonja Minot
  • Kim Nguyen
  • Nicola Young
  • Stephanie Amekuedi
  • Bernadette Greene
  • Amber Crews
  • Love Anderson

The energy in the room was palpable as attendees left feeling fired up and ready to advocate for better Medicaid coverage and enhanced lactation support services. This session was not just about learning—it was a rallying cry for action, urging everyone to take the knowledge gained and transform it into real-world impact. Thank you to all who participated and contributed to this inspiring event. Let’s continue this momentum and drive meaningful change for breastfeeding families everywhere!