Bridging the Gap: A United Front in Improving Breastfeeding Outcomes in Durham

A new coalition is making strides towards a healthier future for families. The Improving Breastfeeding Outcomes Coalition is an innovative initiative brought to life by Breastfeed Durham and Durham ICO4MCH, aiming to unify efforts across various groups and individuals dedicated to enhancing the well-being of families in the community. Meeting bi-weekly on Tuesdays from 10:30 to 11:30 AM, this coalition opens its doors to all who share a passion for reducing health disparities and improving infant health outcomes in Durham.

A Collaborative Effort

The coalition’s sessions serve as a valuable time for the Breastfeed Durham Implementation Team, ICO4MCH Leaders, the Born in Durham and all who want to come together. These meetings are not just about catching up; they are a platform for brainstorming, planning, and tackling challenges head-on. The primary focus is on fostering a collaborative environment to strategize on improving breastfeeding outcomes and reducing infant mortality rates, especially in high-mortality ZIP Codes within Durham County.

Engage and Explore

The second part of each session is dedicated to community office hours, addressing open questions about breastfeeding resources, ongoing initiatives, or ways to get involved. Whether you’re a seasoned advocate or a new Community Health Worker seeking support, these sessions provide a wealth of information and opportunities to contribute to meaningful change. The flexibility of the meetings means that participants can join at their convenience, ensuring that even the busiest individuals can play a part in this vital cause.

Join the Movement

The Improving Breastfeeding Outcomes Coalition represents a significant step forward in the collective effort to enhance maternal and infant health in Durham. By bringing together diverse perspectives and expertise, the coalition is a testament to the power of community action. For those looking to make a difference, the bi-weekly Zoom meetings offer a gateway to becoming part of a movement dedicated to ensuring every child in Durham is born healthy and supported in their early life.

To join the next meeting or learn more about how you can contribute, visit the Breastfeed Durham events page: Improving Breastfeeding Outcomes Coalition. Together, we can create a healthier, more equitable future for all families in Durham.