
A Day in DC for Workplace Lactation Advocacy

On September 6, I had the privilege of participating in an inspiring roundtable discussion in Washington, DC, as part of Workplace Lactation Week. The conversation, hosted by the White House Office of Public Engagement and the Gender Policy Council, focused on two critical pieces of legislation: the Providing Urgent Maternal Protections for Nursing Mothers Act […]

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Child Well-Being in Durham County: 2024 Snapshot

NC Child’s county data cards & interactive data dashboard provide local snapshots of child well-being. The county data cards present the latest data for key indicators in five areas of children’s well-being: A Strong Start, Family Economic Security, Nurturing Homes and Communities, Health and Wellness, and High-Quality Education. View Durham’s 2024 County Card below to see

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North Carolina Immigrant Eligibility for Nutrition Programs

The NC Justice Center and the Charlotte Center for Legal Advocacy released this new information sheet in English and Spanish discussing immigrant eligibility for nutrition programs: SNAP, WIC, Sun Bucks, and School Lunch/Breakfast. As kids are back in school, we think this information is critical to share with our community. Please share widely with your networks.

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Radical Healing Collaborative Launches Primary Care Services!

Radical Healing, an inclusive health and wellness center, is launching an integrative primary care and gender care clinic September 16. The practice is located in Durham’s Lakewood neighborhood and will be BIPOC and LGBTQ+ centered, body positive and HAES aligned, with a focus on access and socioeconomic healthcare justice. They will offer sliding-scale, self-pay, and insurance options

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Celebrating Our Extraordinary Executive Director: Bernadette Greene Receives the 2024 Grandparent Community Service Award

We are thrilled to announce that our very own Executive Director, Bernadette Greene, has been honored with the prestigious Grandparent Community Service Award for 2024! This award, presented by BAGS (Being A Grandparent Support), recognizes grandparents who have made remarkable contributions to their communities, and Bernadette is more than deserving of this accolade. Bernadette has

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Welcome Baby Giving Closet Update

Starting September 2, 2024, new and returning families will need to make an appointment to access the Giving Closet. Walk-in appointments for new families will no longer be available on Fridays. To request an appointment, they can use the bilingual registration link: Welcome Baby Registration ( Families can also upload required documents, such as ID, proof of Durham

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ECAP Update – Novedades de ECAP

We are pleased to provide you with an update on ongoing efforts with the Early Childhood Action Plan (ECAP) in Durham. The County remains deeply committed to supporting our youngest residents, and this dedication is reflected in the collaborative work of the Grown in Durham Steering Committee and the early planning committees. Their three years

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Call to Action —Join Us in Strengthening Breastfeed Durham!

As National Breastfeeding Month comes to a close, it’s a perfect time for us at Breastfeed Durham to reflect on our progress and recommit to our mission of achieving the 10 Steps to a Breastfeeding Family Friendly Community. This journey isn’t just about ticking off boxes; it’s about creating a community where every family feels

Call to Action —Join Us in Strengthening Breastfeed Durham! Read More »

Breastfeed Durham’s 2024 Custom Workshop Series

Breastfeed Durham is thrilled to announce our 2024 workshop series, all made possible through the ICO4MCH funding. These workshops are designed to educate and support families, healthcare providers, community advocates, and more on the importance of breastfeeding. And the best part? Our workshops are fully customizable to meet your unique needs! Here’s how you can

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