LGBTQ+ Gaps In Care

Save the date: THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 2022 at 11:00 AM ET

The LGBTQ+ Human Milk Feeding Committee would love your input. Are you willing to be an advocate and/or give a few minutes of your time to answer questions to help identify gaps in care for LGBTQ+ human milk feeding families? We look forward to hearing from you soon (RSVP to the meetingemail, or text).

RSVP To the Meeting On THURSDAY, JUNE 2 at 11:00 AM ET

We are working to identify gaps in care and access to information and support for LGBTQ+ families regarding breast/chest/human milk feeding.

  •  What do you feel is helpful for LGBTQ+ families in their breast/chest/human milk feeding journeys?
  • What is difficult?
  • How are LGBTQ+ families treated in the hospital, birthing center, or healthcare provider’s office?
  • What types of resources and support would you like to see that would help LGBTQ+ families with feeding and parenting?
  • Do you know of other people we should include in this conversation? 

We have compiled a list of local resources and national resources (though not complete; feel free to suggest additions).

Thank you for the work that you do in supporting all kinds of families!