National Breastfeeding Month 2024

Rates of breastfeeding in the U.S. vary widely because of the multiple and complex barriers new parents face when starting and continuing to breastfeed. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends that infants be exclusively breastfed or chestfed for about the first 6 months. Yet, many mothers and birthing people struggle to reach their breastfeeding goals, and sixty percent do not breastfeed as long as they intended to. Therefore, National Breastfeeding Month (NBM) is an annual observance of advancing advocacy, protection, and promotion of breastfeeding to ensure that we create strong supports for breastfeeding parents and families.

2024 NBM Theme: Nourish, Sustain, Thrive

The 2024 NBM theme, Nourish, Sustain, Thrivewill shine a light on why protecting, promoting, and supporting lactation is so important for the human life cycle, honor the incredible work that organizations are doing to make the world a little more friendly for new parents and families, and highlight how individuals, funders, and policymakers can contribute to a strong and sustainable lactation field. Join us as we celebrate lactating parents and work to protect, promote, and support breastfeeding and human milk feeding for the 14th annual National Breastfeeding Month this August!

Please share with us how you’re planning to celebrate National Breastfeeding Month!

NBM 2024 Weekly Observances

2024 Theme: Closing the Gap: Breastfeeding Support for All

Created in 1992 by the World Alliance for Breastfeeding Advocacy, World Breastfeeding Week aims to generate public awareness and support for breastfeeding every year from August 1-7. #WBW2024 will focus on survival, health and wellbeingIt will showcase the need to improve breastfeeding support to reduce inequalities that exist in our society with a special focus on breastfeeding in times of emergencies and crises. The theme is aligned with thematic area 2 of the WBW-SDG 2030 campaign.

Breastfeeding can act as an equalizer in our society and efforts must be made to ensure everyone has access to breastfeeding support and opportunities. It is essential that no-one is left behind especially vulnerable mothers who may need additional support to reduce breastfeeding inequalities. Target audiences including actors along the Warm Chain of Breastfeeding support; civil society organizations, governments, policymakers, health systems, workplaces, communities and parents will be engaged to close the gap in breastfeeding inequalities and support breastfeeding for all especially the vulnerable groups.

2024 Theme: Mind. Body. Milk Medicine. 

Indigenous Milk Medicine Week was created in 2019 by the Indigenous Milk Medicine Collective and is celebrated annually from August 8-14. Formerly known as Native Breastfeeding Week, the observance was created to encourage and uplift the diversity of Native breast/chestfeeding experiences. 

2024 Theme: Bridging the Gap for AANHPI Families

Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Breastfeeding Week was created in 2021 by the Asian Pacific Islander Breastfeeding Task Force and is celebrated annually from August 15-21. The observance mission is to decrease inequities and normalize chest/breastfeeding in AANHPI communities by improving breast/chestfeeding education and support practices.

2024 Theme: Listen Up! Reclaiming Our Narrative & Centering Our Stories for Breastfeeding Justice

Black Breastfeeding Week was created in 2014 by a collective of Black leaders from the breastfeeding field and is celebrated annually from August 25-31. The observance was developed as a response to the high black infant mortality rate, the lack of diversity in the lactation field, and unique cultural barriers among Black women, and shines a lot on efforts and initiatives that support breastfeeding among Black families. 

2024 Theme: Policy to Practice: Making Lactation Support a Reality

Workplace Lactation Week was created in 2023 and is celebrated annually from September 1-7. The observance celebrates the contributions of nursing mothers and parents in the workplace and aligns with Labor Day, highlighting the vital role working and pumping parents play in the workforce.​

2024 Tema: Reclamando Nuestra Cultura Por Medio de la Lactancia
2024 Theme: Reclaiming Culture Through Lactation

Semana de La Lactancia Latina was created in 2023 and is celebrated annually from September 3-9. The observance shares stories, uplifts voices, and comes together to celebrate the culture and resilience of Latino communities, bringing awareness to the unique barriers faced by these communities.