Beyond Birth Lactation Classes
- Beyond Birth Lactation Services offers a variety of lactation support classes in Durham, including virtual sessions on pumping, newborn sleep, and infant massage, as well as in-person baby-wearing workshops.
- These classes provide parents with essential knowledge and practical skills to support their breastfeeding journey and early parenthood.
- As a Breastfeeding Friendly Community Partner, Beyond Birth Lactation Services is committed to making lactation support accessible and inclusive for all families.
Durham County Department of Public Health – Lamaze Classes
- The Durham County Department of Public Health offers free Lamaze childbirth preparation classes to help expectant families build confidence for a safe and healthy birth.
- Register for this four-week series that covers key topics such as labor preparation, comfort strategies, emotional and physical changes, and the benefits of breastfeeding.
- With small class sizes and interactive sessions, these classes provide a supportive space for families to learn and grow together.
Hug Your Baby
- Two-hour “Live” Zoom “Breastfeeding 101” class is offered monthly.
- Registration available at this link: https://www.hugyourbaby.org/parenting101
Emerald Doulas
- A full-service birth and postpartum doula agency offering the following free support groups and meetups
- New Moms Groups, Moms of Color Group, Perinatal Mood Group, New Dads Meet-up, LGBTQ New Parent Group
- Weekly New Parent Hangout (free)- register here
Family Connects Durham
- Family Connects Durham provides nurse visits through telehealth at no cost.
- If you are giving birth at Duke University Hospital or Duke Regional expect a phone call to your postpartum room phone!
- If they don’t catch you, or you birth somewhere else please feel free to reach out to us online or by phone @ 919-385-0777
Four Sisters Hands
- Join Four Sisters Hands for a free, monthly breastfeeding support group for Black families.
- Meets on the first Wednesday of each month at 10:00am. Register here.
La Leche League of Durham
- La Leche League of Durham provides free breastfeeding support through virtual and in-person meetings led by experienced leaders. Families can join online sessions on the first Wednesday and third Saturday of each month or attend an in-person meeting on the third Thursday. Whether you are pregnant, facing challenges, or simply looking for community support, these meetings offer guidance, encouragement, and a welcoming space for all.
Mocha Milk Club Peer Support Group
- Join a community of BIPOC parents and MAAME Inc.’s Lactation Peer Support Counselors to receive evidence-based information and peer support throughout your lactation journey.
- We meet:
- 3rd Tuesday of the Month at 7pm on Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86348393173pwd=Yml3enRYOUVIUXg5RkxucEVmTHBrZz09
- 4th Saturday of the Month at 10:30am in-person at 1208 Fayetteville St., Durham, NC 27707
NC Women’s Hospital
- The NC Women’s Hospital now is offering Virtual Breastfeeding classes in English. Registration and payment for that class is done through their site: www.NCHealthyWoman.org.
- NC Women’s Hospital also is offering a complimentary support Networking Group called MOM (Mentoring Other Mothers) where different themes are covered, including breastfeeding. Even though this is a free weekly service, mothers and expecting moms need to register at their website.
Welcome Baby
- Provides practical, educational, and emotional support to parents and caregivers of young children. All services are free and conducted in English and Spanish for residents of Durham County who are expecting and/or have children 0-5 years of age. Services include parenting workshops, car seat safety programs, and a giving closet.
- WIC is conducting all appointments over the phone. The only time a client would need to come into the office is if you have never had WIC before e-wic
- Evaluate the need for a pump on a case by case basis: If a pump does need to be issued, WIC will make the decision as to whether you need to come to the WIC lobby area, or if WIC will meet you at the entrance where you can stay in their car.
- Durham: Durham County WIC resources are available through the Durham County Health Department at 919-956-4042.
- Orange: Orange County WIC resources are available through the Piedmont Health Services, Inc (located within the Orange County Health Department) at 919-245-2422.
- Wake: Wake County WIC resources are available on the Wake County Services website and at 919250-4720.