Lactation and Nourishment

Baby latched and feeding

Nourishing Baby


Breastmilk doesn’t provide any nutritional value after 12 months


Breastmilk continues to provide energy, protein, vitamins, probiotics, immunities long after 12 months of age.

Nourishing Your Body

  • Your body is sustaining another human being- what an amazing feat!!
  • This means your body also needs to be nourished- which can feel like the last thing on your to-do list with a new baby in the house.
  • The first tip for nourishing you is lots of water! And then some more water. Always grab your water before you sit down to breastfeed baby, and try to keep it close by. Add flavoring with a squeeze of lemon or lime juice, some cucumber or fruit slices, or a flavor packet if this makes water more appealing to you. Some lactating parents like to include an electrolyte drink such as Gatorade, G2, IV Hydration, Body Armor, coconut water.
  • Your body uses extra energy to make breastmilk each day. This amounts to about 400 calories.
  • Finding easy snacks can help you get enough to eat on busy days. Some quick ideas include a banana, apple slices dipped in peanut butter, cheese and crackers, a protein or granola bar, beef jerky, overnight oats, whole grain cereal with milk or scrambled eggs on toast.
  • Take a moment to think about what other forms of nourishment your body needs. Is it fresh air? Sunlight? Meditation? Coffee and chat with friends or other new parents?

Nourishing the Parent

Complimentary Feeding

This section on lactation and nutrition has been written and edited by Elaine Goode, RD LDN- Registered Dietitian and Breastfeeding Mom