Take Action: Call on Congress to Support Paid Leave

Did you know that 1 in 4 mothers return to work just two weeks after giving birth? The United States is one of the only countries in the world without a national paid family and medical leave program. 

Take a minute to contact your legislators and urge them to pass the FAMILY Act so new parents are guaranteed the time off work they need to care for themselves and their newborn.

The Family and Medical Insurance Leave (FAMILY) Act bill would address the United States’ paid family and medical leave crisis, providing up to 12 weeks of paid leave to address medical needs, care for a loved one, or bond with a new child. Access to paid leave has a demonstrated positive impact on breastfeeding outcomes, but unfortunately, it’s not available to millions of American families who need it.

Why is your action right now so important? Today marks 20 years since California implemented the first state paid leave program in the United States. Individuals and organizations across the nation are raising their voices in celebration and calling on policymakers to make paid leave available to all workers across the United States.

With your help, we can send a clear message to the House and Senate that paid leave benefits workers, their families, businesses, and our nation’s economy and we can’t afford for it to not be a priority. Raise your voice with us today!