Tools for Medical Providers to Support Human Milk Feeding

This is a list of additional tools for medical providers to specifically support human milk feeding for LGBTQ plus families and inducing lactation.

Lactation Information

Guide to Being an Ally

Gender Variability Information

Transgender Sensitivity Information

N.B : If a provider reaches out to trans folks, expect to pay for their time and consulting services (even a lay person). And wherever possible, do your best to amplify their voices in your work instead of speaking as an expert on the trans chest or breastfeeding experience- like actually quote them. Parents would love to find a local lactation consultant who has experience with supporting chestfeeding for nonbinary parents and trans dads who lacate, especially following top surgery. It is important to not make assumptions based on people’s family structures, how they look, etc and to be aware of health disparities which are significant for trans, gender nonconforming and bisexual folks.