Parent Information

LLL of Durham Celebrates | August 4, 2021

La Leche League of Durham is celebrating World Breastfeeding Week and National Breastfeeding Month with a virtual reunion on Wednesday, August 4th, 2021, after the first Wednesday monthly meeting. Continue celebrating all month long with a book. Are you or someone you know looking for Birthing, Breastfeeding, and Parenting books? The La Leche League of Durham library is now

LLL of Durham Celebrates | August 4, 2021 Read More »

Local resources for solo parents

How do I find childcare? Find Childcare Providers: Use existing childcare, google search, ask around, and reach out to Social Services. Sign up for DSS childcare vouchers by emailing: What other resources and groups are there for solo parents breastfeeding? How can I connect with other solo parents

Local resources for solo parents Read More »