Durham 1st designated Breastfeeding Friendly Childcare Provider

Breastfeed Durham is thrilled to celebrate the First Presbyterian Day School, Durham’s first locally designated Breastfeeding Friendly Child Care Provider. First Presbyterian Day School is a 5-star childcare facility, which has been in the heart of Downtown Durham, since 1970.  They offer a looping program (continuity of care) for infant and toddlers, which means children who enter the program as an infant or toddler, remain with their same friends and teachers until they are 4 years old and move over to the preschool classroom.

My experience with the Durham – Breastfeeding Friendly Childcare Designation application was seamless.  I began the application process, I reached out to Breastfeed Durham to review the policy, space, and materials we had put in place.  Love and Shawna showed up and gave me feedback about the things we needed to add to complete the application.  We made the adjustments and submitted the application and within a few weeks we were notified about the award!  Big Shout out to Breastfeed Durham for all your support during this Journey!

Happy to Support our Breastfeeding Community!

Executive Director
First Presbyterian Day School (FPDS)

Breastfeed Durham is delighted to share Breastfeeding Family Friendly Child Care programs in Durham County! See our growing list of child Care Programs that have started the process.

  • The Ten Steps to Breastfeeding-Friendly Child Care include:
    • Make a commitment to the importance of breastfeeding, especially exclusive breastfeeding, and share this commitment with fellow staff.
    • Train all staff to promote optimal infant and young child feeding.
    • Inform women and families about the importance of breastfeeding.
    • Provide learning and play opportunities that normalize breastfeeding for children.
    • Ensure that all breastfeeding families we serve are able to properly store and label milk for child care center use.
    • Provide a breastfeeding-friendly environment.
    • Support breastfeeding employees.
    • Develop a feeding plan that supports best infant feeding practices with each family.
    • Contact and coordinate with local skilled breastfeeding support and actively refer.
    • Continue updates and learning about protection, promotion, and support of breastfeeding.