This year, La Leche League of Durham, Breastfeed Durham, and Breastfeeding Family Friendly Communities are celebrating National Breastfeeding Month – Many Voices United – with a virtual Show & Tell and prizes!
This National Breastfeeding Month, SHOW with a picture or video and TELL with a description something about your breastfeeding journey – maybe it’s a complicated or gymnastic breastfeeding pose; or a gentle breastfeeding pose; or a sweet way to ask to breastfeed; or one of the most inconvenient moments to be asked to breastfeed. It also might be how you are supporting a welcoming atmosphere for breastfeeding families in Durham.
Everyone is welcome to participate!
Each week in August, submissions will be entered into a drawing for a prize.
Grand prize: Custom Portrait Valued at $195 C. J. Howardart Every Day Paint
Week 1: 30-minute Mind/Body Centering Yoga virtual session from These Wandering Roots
Week 2: $10 gas card*
Week 3: Virtual consultation ($45 value) on EC or potty training from Go Diaper Free
Week 4: Two personalized 30-minute Restorative Yoga Class (virtual, of course) from Start of Life
Additional Prizes: $10 gift card from The Regulator Bookshop
Additional Prizes: “Boob hat” from These Wandering Roots*
Grand prize: Custom Portrait Valued at $195 from C. J. Howardart Every Day Paint*
*Mailed to a US address only.
Remember to Share Your Show & Tell here!
The 2020 National Breastfeeding Month theme, Many Voices United, reminds us that now, more than ever, we must come together to identify and implement the policy and systems changes that are needed to ensure that every family that chooses to breastfeed has the support and resources they need to succeed.
Live, Love, Latch, 2020!
© MKM Photography,