Please share with us how you’re planning to celebrate.
#WBW2023 will focus on breastfeeding and employment/work. It will showcase the impact of paid leave, workplace support and emerging parenting norms on breastfeeding through the lens of parents themselves. Target audiences including governments, policymakers, workplaces, communities and parents will be engaged to play their critical roles in empowering families and sustaining breastfeeding-friendly environments in the post-pandemic work life. The theme is aligned with thematic area 4 of the WBW-SDG 2030 campaign.

2023 National Breastfeeding Month Weekly ObservancesTheme: This is Our Why
The 2023 NBM theme, This is Our Why, will help shine a light on why this work is so important and center the conversation on the babies and families who need our support. Join us as we celebrate mothers and lactating parents and work to protect, promote, and support breastfeeding and human milk feeding for the 13th annual National Breastfeeding Month this August!
Week 1 (August 1-7)
Theme: Enabling Breastfeeding: Making a difference for working parents
Week 2 (August 8-14)
Theme: From the Stars to a Sustainable Future
Week 3 (August 15-21)
Asian American Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander Breastfeeding Week
Theme: Telling Our Stories, Elevating Our Voices!
Week 4 (August 25-31)
Theme: We Outside!: Celebrating Connection & Our Communities
New Week 5 (September 5-11)
Lactancia Latina
Theme: to be announced…